Penerapan Teori Adaptasi Roy Pada Asuhan Keperawatan Pasien dengan Gagal Ginjal Kronik

  • Yuanita Panma Akademi Keperawatan Pasar Rebo
Keywords: Roy's adaptation, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus


Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a decrease in irreversible kidney function characterized by uremia which

affects patients' biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects. This change certainly requires good

adaptation of CRF patients. Nurses can help patients adapt to changes in their level of health. The role of

nurses is needed in the provision of nursing care using Roy's adaptation theory approach which is applied

in the case of Mr. F, 32 years old with CRF, diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy. The purpose of

writing this case is to gain real experience in providing nursing care to CRF patients using Roy's

adaptation theory approach. Nursing diagnoses that appear in cases of excess fluid volume are associated

with decreased kidney function, fluid and sodium retention; decreased cardiac output is associated with

increased cardiac workload; nutritional imbalances less than body requirements related to insufficient

insulin; constipation is associated with a decrease in physical activity. The results achieved after carrying

out nursing care with Roy's adaptation theory approach are edema has diminished, excess fluid volume is

partially overcome; decreased cardiac output has not been resolved; blood sugar is still unstable with the

help of insulin, partial deficit nutrition; partial constipation. Conclusion: Nursing care with a theory

approach Roy's adaptation model is quite effective to be applied to patients with urinary system disorders,

especially in cases of chronic renal failure where patients must adapt to changes that occur both

biologically, psychologically, socially and culturally.
