Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Tn. T Dengan Resiko Perilaku Kekerasan

  • Siti Salamah Akademi Keperawatan Pasar Rebo
  • Sri Nyumirah Akademi Keperawatan Pasar Rebo
Keywords: violence behavior, nursing care


Violent behavior is a form of behavior that injures a person physically and psychologically. The impact of

violent behavior by clients on themselves is that they can injure themselves, aggressive actions aimed at

injuring themselves or killing others, damaging the environment, throwing glass, tiles and everything in

the environment. Based on the impact of Violence Behavior above, the role of nurses is needed in

performing nursing care, namely nurses play a role in promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative

roles. Nursing care is carried out to conduct an assessment until evaluation of the client's violent behavior.

Nursing care is carried out by means of interviews, both to clients, nurses and families, nursing actions

are carried out directly on the client by assisting nurses. The client experiences violent behavior feeling

irritated because his mother talked a lot at home. Nursing diagnoses that can be found in clients are low

self-esteem, self-care deficits, risk of violent behavior, risk of sensory perception disorders:

hallucinations, social isolation. Nursing planning is carried out in accordance with Hospital standards.

Client nursing evaluation can be seen in the client being able to control violent behavior by breathing

deeply as well as throwing a pillow / mattress, taking medication regularly, expressing, asking and

rejecting verbally and spiritually namely dhikr and prayer. Other capabilities that the client achieves is

that the client is able to control hallucinations, which arise, the client is able to get acquainted with 1

person or more, and the client can maintain his cleanliness.
