In VIVO Pengaruh Vitamin B-15 Dan Bekatul Organik Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah


  • Yuniar Deddy Kurniawan Akademi Keperawatan “Yakpermas” Banyumas
  • Puji Indriyani Akademi Keperawatan “Yakpermas” Banyumas



organic bran, diabetic, blood sugar, vitamin B-15, in vivo


Dibetetes mellitus is caused by eating habits with energy dense and low in fiber which causes an increase in

blood glucose levels. Bran with high fiber content and rich in vitamin B 15 which is very useful in

improving the body's metabolic work, the content of vitamin B15 which is high enough in bran can be used

to reduce sugar levels and improve the body's metabolism in people with diabetes mellitus. The aim of this

study was to find a therapeutic model with vitamin B 15 and organic bran to accelerate healing of people

with diabetes mellitus by the in vivo method in white male rats. The research was conducted in 2 stages,

namely, the first stage; examine the factors and parameters of the bran production process from sifting to the

drying process. The experimental design of the stabilization process uses the Taguchi Method.

Characterization of radiation is carried out on organic rice varieties, namely bagendite. Data analysis used

ANOVA analysis to obtain the most dominant factors that influence bran yield / products to be tested for

composition / chemistry. The second stage is to use rice bran as a therapeutic agent for diabetes millitus,

which in the initial stages used in vivo with 3 groups of mice (each of which amounted to 6 animals) with

blood sugar levels (> 120 mg / dL), experimental process temperatures will reduce protein levels contained

in rice bran, protein content decreases with increasing temperature. Each time the sinking and oven were

best at 10 with diabetic treatment, and were cured / treated with bran and vitamin B 15. The results of testing

to obtain protein and fiber levels showed that the minutes were higher. Fiber content has the highest value,

the right process parameter is 10 minutes, oven time is 10 minutes and temperature is 60 o C. Based on the

ANOVA test it can be concluded that the treatment of bran and a mixture of bran and vitamin B15 in

diabetic rats decreased blood glucose levels in rats compared to the control group on day 7, day 14 and day

15 (p <0.005). Based on the post hoc test, results were obtained between treatment groups not significantly

lowering blood glucose levels in mice (P> 0.005)


