Akupresur Mengurangi Mual dan Muntah Pada Anak Yang Menjalani Kemoterapi
acupressure, vomitus, chemotherapyAbstract
Cancer patients assess nausea is the most unpleasant side effect of chemotherapy, although the provision of
antiemetic therapy has been given intensively. Nearly 70% of adult patients and 58% of school-age children
and adolescents receive highly emetogenic chemotherapy agents, as a result of which patients complain of
nausea (Ryan, 2010). Acupressure is one of the alternatives to effective interventions to reduce complaints
of nausea and vomiting. Acupressure is also a non-invasive intervention and is relatively difficult to do (Lee
& Frazier, 2011). This EBN application aims to achieve quality nursing care through comprehensive nursing
interventions and improve nursing services that pay attention to the principles of atraic care in children
undergoing chemotherapy by minimizing complaints of nausea and vomiting. Research methods with
systematic reviews. The result of this EBN application is the effectiveness of acupressure in reducing nausea
and vomiting in children undergoing chemotherapy.