PenerapanTerapi Foot Massage Untuk Menurunkan Kelelahan Pada Pasien Dengan Gagal Ginjal Kronik


  • Khiarotun Aruniah Fillah STIKes Pasar Rebo
  • Yuanita Panma STIKes Pasar Rebo


foot massage, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, fatigue




Gagal ginjal terjadi ketika ginjal tidak mampu mengangkut 4.444 produk sisa metabolisme tubuh atau berfungsi dengan baik. Zat-zat yang normalnya dikeluarkan melalui urin terakumulasi dalam cairan tubuh akibat gangguan ekskresi ginjal sehingga menimbulkan gangguan pada fungsi hormonal, metabolisme, cairan, elektrolit, dan asam basa. Tujuan Diperoleh pengalaman nyata dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan dan menerapkan asuhan keperawatan dan menerapkan foot massage pada pasien dengan gagal ginjal kronik. Metode penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini menggunakan metode deskripsi melalui pendekatan studi kasus dan studi kepustakaan dimana data diperoleh melalui tehnik wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan fisik serta pencarian literatur. Asuhan keperawatan dilakukan pada pasien laki-laki, umur 70 tahun, dengan diagnosa medis Gagal ginjal kronik.Dari hasil pengkajian diperoleh lima masalah keperawatan bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif, pola napas tidak efekt, hipervolema,resiko penurunan curah jantung, intoleransi aktivitas.Hasil penerapan terapi foot massage sebelum dilakukannya Tindakan yaitu pasien mengatakan merasa lelah dan lemas skor kelelahan masih meningkat .Dan setelah dilakukan tindakkan  yaitu pasien merasa lebih  nyaman, tidak terasa lemas dan tangkat kelehan pasien membaik dari sebelum tindakan, . Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan terjadi penurunan Tingkat kelelahan dari skor 9 ke 5 selama 3 hari, Dapat disimpulkan terapi foot massage bisa membantu menurunkan kelelahan dengan pasien gagal ginjal kronik




Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are unable to transport the body's 4,444 metabolic waste products or function properly. Substances that are normally excreted through urine accumulate in body fluids due to impaired renal excretion, causing disturbances in hormonal function, metabolism, fluids, electrolytes and acid base. Objective: Gain real experience in providing nursing care and implementing nursing care and applying foot massage to patients with chronic kidney failure. The method for writing this scientific paper uses a description method through a case study approach and literature study where data is obtained through interview techniques, observation and physical examination as well as literature searches. Nursing care was carried out on a male patient, 70 years old, with a medical diagnosis of chronic renal failure. From the results of the study, five nursing problems were obtained: ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing patterns, hypervolema, risk of decreased cardiac output, activity intolerance. Results of implementation foot massage therapy before the procedure was carried out, namely the patient said he felt tired and weak, the fatigue score still increased. And after the action was carried out, the patient felt more comfortable, did not feel weak and the patient's level of fatigue improved from before the procedure. The evaluation results showed that there was a decrease in the level of fatigue from a score of 9 to 5 for 3 days. It can be concluded that foot massage therapy can help reduce fatigue in patients with chronic kidney failure.


Key words: foot massage therapy for kidney failure, reduces fatigue

