Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Alternative Terapi Pada Anak Yang Mengalami Kekerasan Seksual


  • Dwi Yuniarahmah STikes Mitra Keluarga, Bekasi Timur
  • Atikah Rizky Amalia STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Arindra Dwi Angraini STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Anisa Noviana Herlambang STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Anggi Indah Partiwi STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Ade Nabila Rosda H STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Adela Dwi Rizki D STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Elsi Sopiyatul Fuadah STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Fatmawati STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Indana Zulva Nikmah STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Indah Ambarwati Iraningrum STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Ameliana Safitri STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Darmawan Wibisana STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Dianatika Azmi STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Jelytha Renova Siringoringo STikes Mitra Keluarga
  • Renta Sianturi STikes Mitra Keluarga



Intervensi Keperawatan, Kekerasan Seksual, Anak



Sexual violence against children is a crime that must be overcome and is a deviant activity carried out forcibly by adults on children. The impact of sexual violence affects the development of children both physically and mentally. Sexual crimes can cause problems with pregnancy in children and sexually transmitted diseases in the form of reproductive disorders. Writing methods using databases and search websites include Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, SAGE, Semantic Scholar, PlosOne, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis. In the search for articles, the keywords “Therapy”, “Nursing Therapy”, “Nursing Interventions”, “Child victims”, “Children sexual abuse”, “Sexual abuse” and “rape with the specified inclusion criteria, are articles on the topic of violence prevention. sexual abuse in children with counseling, articles on the topic of therapy or interventions in the treatment of children with sexual violence. articles in English and Indonesian. The purpose of providing play interventions, drawing therapy, providing sexual health education so that children and parents know the importance of sexual knowledge which is violence against children physically and mentally. From the actions that have been taken, the results have proven effective in dealing with and preventing trauma due to sexual violence in children, so it is hoped that these interventions can be used in mental health services and can increase knowledge, attitudes, positive behavior of children and families in preventing and dealing with trauma due to sexual violence in children.

Author Biographies

Atikah Rizky Amalia, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Arindra Dwi Angraini, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Anisa Noviana Herlambang, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Anggi Indah Partiwi , STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Ade Nabila Rosda H, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Adela Dwi Rizki D , STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Elsi Sopiyatul Fuadah, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Fatmawati, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Indana Zulva Nikmah, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Indah Ambarwati Iraningrum, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Ameliana Safitri, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Darmawan Wibisana, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Dianatika Azmi, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Jelytha Renova Siringoringo, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

Renta Sianturi, STikes Mitra Keluarga

Nursing Departement

